Tag: iot
New, improved Nettigo tinyBrd Core
Recently we have updated our Nettigo tinyBrd Core, which provides Arduino IDE integration with our tinyBrd boards. It is small, battery operated board, easy to program and transfer data vie wireless module NRF24L01+ New core provides even better current consumption in sleep mode. This time we got less than previous 10 µA. Now board in…
NRF24L01+ with better range
We have not only “regular” NRF24L01+, but also version with better range: NRF24L01+ PA+LNA. Current consumption is a bit higher, but when You need better range… Of course, our tinyBrd works with this improved NRF without any chnages in code.
ESP32 – ESP8266 killer?
As You can read on Hackaday, Espressif, company which created well known ESP8266 has announced new chip, ESP32 which will have some improvements over ESP8266: two cores instead of one faster WiFi support for both legacy Bluetooth and Bluetooth LE better power sleep modes If price still will be affordable, whole world of IoT folks…